Saturday, July 25, 2009

10 of 10

this one counts (it has to, right?)

According to wikipedia, a Blog is "a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video." Based on that definition, I think this should count as an entry. That said...

I am blogging to announce the 10th post to "my blog for ISTM 490." After spending an entire semester posting blogs during lectures, ensuring I absorb nothing during class, can honestly say that blogging has provided no value to me. Looking back on the posts, I will assume the same for any readers as well (and for that I should apologize - but I won't).

10 down. I hope I have met my requirements.


iPhone app black market emerges.

When Apple says no, there are other ways to make your buck with iPhone apps...

Dr. Touch (what a creepy name) developed the "My App Sales" iPhone app that allows iPhone app developers to know how their apps are performing/performing with out the need to download every daily sales report. Since it violates the Apple Terms of Service, the developer needed to devise a new way to get the app distributed and make some money. By selling the source code to developers, he allows them to compile and use the app on their iPhone.
Unfortunately due to section 3.3.7 of the SDK Agreement I will never be permitted to sell this app on the App Store unless I rip out it’s heart and usefullness. But you can purchase a license to look at the source code, compile it yourself, put it on all the devices you like. For just $15 you can do anything you like with the source, just not sell it or use in any other way commercially.

iPhone (further) augments reality

what happens when the iPhone's battery dies? Do you just go to sleep for the day?

While Apple still isn't officially allowing these apps on the iPhone (via the App Store), this is a pretty cool technology and may actually be the first compelling reason to upgrade to the iPhone 3Gs.

When Apple announced the addition of a compass to the iPhone 3GS, shortsighted onlookers responded with a yawn. Yay, we can find magnetic north.

But iPhone app developers quickly saw an opportunity, and a new breed of "augmented reality" apps are about to be born.

Holding the phone in front of you, locations are plotted on a live view of the world in relation to where you're standing. The apps combine the phone's key features -- camera, GPS, compass and Internet connectivity -- to create a sort of heads-up display reminiscent of first-person shooter video games.

Two demo videos of these apps follow...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Maybe I'm just an ignorant American, but it's tough for me to believe anyone still uses "treatments" like this for anything.

China bans electro-shock therapy for Internet addicts

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Google Lab's City Tours

Last month Google Labs posted about their "City Tours" app [ ]. This sounds cool, but fails in practice. I tried it for my trip to lovely Ottawa Canada next week. I'm not quite sure I want to spend the first day of my weekend as per their proposed schedule...

Canadian War Museum
Canadian Ski Museum
Canada Science and Technology Museum
Canada Agriculture Museum

Also wouldn't exactly plan on walking for nearly 4 hours just to visit the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum (day 2). Maybe next time I'm in town.

Could be cool some day, but not quite there yet.